We consistently develop projects in response to human or natural needs we hear calling to our hearts. We know the voice of Pachamama. It is loud and clear to us. She says, “I need your help.” And we serve her!

Projects 2024

Some of the projects we have identified for development this year are set out below. Their implementation is subject to funding, which is being impaired by the Covid 19 pandemic. We depend on supporters to bring these beautiful visions into reality but our team is working hard in the background to plan and prepare for implementation.

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Creating a migration pathway for hummingbirds.

Deforestation, urbanisation, and destruction of their natural habitat means these sacred little birds can’t find the plants that feed them on their migration routes which could threaten their survival.

Building an extraordinary compost pit.

No, these are not snakes! What you’re looking at is Martiodrilis Crassus - the Amazon earthworm. The Latin name actually translates to "worm that feeds on dogs". They grow up to 5ft long.

We plan to build a huge compost pit where we can breed, study, and preserve these extraordinary creatures (and produce fantastic compost too).

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Stop Hunting Campaign

Local indigenous people would sometimes kill 2 -3 monkeys for their table using traditional weapons. Petrol companies give them guns. Now, they can kill 30 - 40 monkeys every time they go to the forest. We need to educate them on how to benefit from preserving the forest rather than slaughtering every living specie they find.

Construct a large scale tree and herb nursery

To supply our tree planting project and local market, we would like to produce our own saplings and seedlings. This will save us money, create jobs, and contribute to the long-term sustainability of our Learning Centre.

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Solar Power PROJECT

We need a dependable, off-grid, source of power that can help our guests to charge their devices, have lights, hot water, and all the other wonderful and essential creature comforts that electricity provides to us in the modern world.


As the modern world encroaches on the rainforest, pollution is becoming a serious concern. Iamoe would like to establish a community recycling program that encourages people to manage their waste in a responsible way.

New workshop CABIN

We’re growing and expanding! The time has come for us to erect a 5m x 10m log cabin so that we can hold bigger workshops and accommodate more people.

Make a difference by helping us to make a difference through these projects. Please fill out the form below and one of our friendly staff members will get back to you shortly.