IT IS TAKING PLACE: February 2025
Would you like to experience healing power from another realm? Is your mind open to magic and wonder? Could beautiful, little hummingbirds hold the secret to your happiness and well-being?
Healing WITH the HUMMINGBIRDS Retreat
february 10th - february 19th, 2025
We’ve got wonderful news for you:
“Healing the Healers” & “Healing with the Hummingbirds” are happening on 2025!
Among the floripondios, the salvias, the taxos, and the rosemary, the hummingbird flutters and flutters until the call of the flower compels this magical little bird to engage with its soft and silky corollas. These precious creatures bathe in honey - the sweet nectar of the goddess - their bodies covered in pollen, the cells of life. Through eternal divine wisdom, this remarkable coevolution creates and sustains life.
South America, land of hummingbirds, sun and flowers, a powerful and enchanting place where this trinity thrives. There is true magic to be found here, The little hummingbird hears the call of the healer, and replies sweetly in song. Then, it arrives bringing healing light for hurting souls. This ancient, mystical healing process works in a realm where the healer feels the vibration in her cells, and then transmutes them into the dimension of light that evokes change in our physical reality. Come, discover the magical healing properties of Hummingbirds with Dr Rocio Alarcon.
At the Iamoe center in Ecuador, a spiritual portal for health and abundance awaits you. Join this unique workshop with like-minded soul-searchers, healers, and light workers.
Can you feel your heart calling you to this retreat, like the soft corollas of the flowers call the hummingbirds?
retreat activities:
Observation and identification of different species of hummingbirds.
Observation and identification of the flower species that offer food to the various hummingbirds.
Coevolution of plants and hummingbirds. Observation and analysis.
Hummingbirds and healing properties.
Recognition and formulas of hummingbirds for the various spiritual, emotional, and physical crises: stress, anxiety, depression, etc. Effects and benefits on the three physical bodies. (Between 12 to 20 different species of hummingbirds and their benefits will be recognized.)
Artwork where each participant will create their own spiritual landscape based on observations of the natural landscape, and identification of hummingbirds. The design and inspiration will be personal.
Appreciation of the value of Iamoe as a spiritual and biological energy center. (Walks in the rainforesr to recognize and feel the value of aromatic and medicinal tree species and other uses such as artisanal, spiritual, etc.)
Exhibition of local handicrafts from the Wuaorane and Quichua and Mestizo communities.
ARe you interested?
If you’re interested in joining this Healing with Hummingbirds Retreat, please contact Rocio Alarcon for more details about the retreat.