““We specifically chose this sacred site because it is the centre of biodiversity in the world. Here, people can immerse themselves fully into the loving arms of Mother Nature and feel the true power of nature connection.” ”
IAMOE is a Centre of Excellence for sustainable environmental preservation that successfully blends scientific pursuit with cultural and spiritual endeavor to create educational experiences for groups of foreigners with local community engagement and support.
We provide a safe place for research programs, educational expeditions, environmental and cultural workshops, and experiential learning.
Our visitors include: Researchers; universities and students (like herbalists, environmentalists, botanists, etc.); professionals (like anthropologists, scientists, pharmacologists, medical doctors, alternative healers, etc.); individuals (like artists, people seeking healing, soul-searchers, etc.)
Through our Centre, we have established trust and rapport with the local tribes and shaman over many years.
Rocio’s ancestry, knowledge, and reputation.
The biodiversity of the land and its location.
Our approach to land and people integration.
Local community involvement in our projects and workshops.
Our scientific approach to curandero practices (the blend of science and spirit).
We’re not just a tour-guide operator, we are a social enterprise with a higher purpose.
Our versatility – we create custom-made expeditions for specific groups of people around a central theme.
We are an example of resource management best practice.
We offer rudimentary but functional spaces to live and work.
We are in the forest.
We have trust-worthy ground staff who are residents on the property.
We facilitate supervised engagement with genuine indigenous tribes.
Kupi Village, Dayuma Parish, Francisco de Orellana Province, Ecuador – South America
Lat 0, 41' South
Lon 76, 50' West
Alt 260m, above the sea level
Eye alt 10.06 Km.
Rich historical cultures have intimate bonds with a unique natural environment where human activity has been present for the last 2000 years. Different tribes live in this region, such as: the Huaorani (one of the last of the hunter-gatherers), Shuar, Quichua and Mestizo communities. Each tribe is distinguished by its own language, costume, food, agricultural style, use of plants and shamanistic practices.
This region is rich in flora that has captivated plant-lovers and botanists alike. In particular, our Learning Centre offers a rich and unique biodiversity of plants. Research has shown that 257 species/hectare of trees and vines flourish in this area. The data proves that this is one of the most diverse places on the planet. The abundant and diverse species are used by the various local indigenous groups for a variety of uses including food, crafts, medicine, healing, hunting and mysticism. It is the home of several endangered species such as the Ocelot, River Otter, Jaguar, Harpy Eagle, Tapir and others.
Our interdisciplinary programs draw on creativity, determination and confidence to achieve our goals for the preservation of natural and indigenous species. Social and scientific research is conducted in partnership with local and global communities of responsible scientists who specialize in Archaeology, Environmental Health Sciences, Ethno-Sciences, Biodiversity, Sociology, Horticulture, and Permaculture. This research work strives to demonstrate that modern humans are able to integrate with the Amazon forest, without altering the existing biodiversity, and so experience the harmony of thousands of years of the natural rhythm of human life with the natural environment.