Curandero healing is the sacred practice of ancient folk medicine to prevent sickness and restore holistic harmony in the body, mind and spirit.
Curanderos are traditional native healers (or shaman). They are found in Latin America, the United States, and Southern Europe. The curandero's life is dedicated to the administration of remedies for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual illnesses. These unique skills have been handed down from generation to generation, dating back 7000 years.
Curanderos acquire their abilities by serving as an apprentice under the guidance of an experienced curandero or by receiving a spiritual vision that gives them the knowledge. The three common types of curanderos are the herbalist, the yerbero; the midwife, the partera; and the massage therapist, the sabador.
Curaderos endeavour to solve their patient’s maladies through the careful use of spiritual cleansings, essential oils, herbs, incense, eggs and prayer to the spirit world. Although not fully understood by modern science, these ancient healing practices are well-known to be extremely powerful and effective. Curanderos are highly regarded members of their communities and sought after by those in need of healing from all over the world.
Dr Rocia Alarcon’s curandero ancestral heritage stems from the Andes, where her grandmothers and mother taught her how to heal people using a combination of plants and other elements.
With her doctorate in ethno-pharmacology, she is uniquely positioned to bridge the two worlds of modern science and ancient wisdom. Dr Alarcon is attributed for coining the term “Curandero Science”.
She says with a naughty twinkle in her eyes, “It is science because of the uses of different plants and other elements, and it is an art because of the use of ceremonies.”
Rocio’s earliest memories involve being trained to heal people through a variety of curandero practices. She has also spent four decades meeting Shaman, learning from them, recording their ancient knowledge, and practicing their ceremonies.
Today, Rocio is renowned for being a teacher of authentic shamanic practices and loves to see her students sharing the gifts and skills they learned from her with others.
Artwork by: Mario Gonzalez Chavajay
Rocio offers healing ceremonies to groups and individuals who have an interest in being treated and healed through curandero practices, and in achieving complete spiritual, emotional, and physical health. She guides her beneficiaries through the different treatments according to their specific needs. After an initial curandero assessment, her health care services can include: Limpia ceremony; Baths; Aromatic plants treatments; Candles; Hummingbirds treatment, and more
If you would like to receive a curandero healing ceremony from Dr Rocio Alarcon, please fill out the form below and one of our friendly staff members will make the arrangements for you.